Q: What is anaerobic digestion?

A: Anaerobic digestion is a series of biological processes where microorganisms break down organic biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen. One of the end products of this process is biogas, which can then generate heat and electricity, or can be processed into renewable natural gases to fuel vehicles. The second product is biosolids, which can be used as a natural fertilizer.

Q: How impactful are our food waste strategies?

A: The food recovery hierarchy set by the EPA (shown below) illustrates the methods of food recovery with their order of impact. The figure shows most preferred to least preferred methods with land filling sitting at the bottom of the triangle. We at WTEL believe it’s going to take a combined effort to reduce our food waste. That is why we are targeting industrial uses through anaerobic digestion, composting through food waste delivery to Prarieland and source reduction and reuse through tools like waste audits.

Q: How can I tell if my disposable service ware is compostable?

A: Check out our Is it Compostable Guidelines?


Q: Who can participate in organics collection?

A: Essentially any business or person that produces organic waste!


Q: Won’t organics collection be messy and smelly?

A: You’re already doing it just in your trash can!


Don’t worry you can line your bins with compostable bags.

Residential composting? We also provide this handy countertop compost collection container which has a special top to keep smells out of your kitchen!